CD, Vidéo, Livres, Instruments,... Tar | TAR: the tar was the preferred instrument of the majority of the large Masters of the Iranian erudite music, of which a whole flowering opened out particularly with the nineteenth century but does not remain about it less very in favour nowadays. The tar belongs to the family of the fights. Its case of resonance to double bulge is out of wood of mulberry tree and its form evokes two hearts joined together by the points. One plays it with a plectre generally made plates of brass crimped in beeswax pellets. The extent is of approximately two octaves and half with all the chromatisms of the Eastern music. The very fine membrane which covers the table with the instruments confers him a sound heat color which Marie particularly well with Tombak. |  |
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Copyright 2008. Shermin Movaffaghi,psychologue-musicotherapeute FAPSE ASMT | last update: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 |